FedBizBeat congratulates the following GovCon trailblazers with their new roles.

Lexi Alexander joined ASRC Federal as the new senior vice president of business development and corporate strategy.

Robert Billeaud was promoted to senior vice president for operations by SOS International (SOSi).

Terry DiVittorio was appointed to vice president of cyber programs by VariQ Corporation.


Jeanette Hanna-Ruiz was selected as NASA‘s associate CIO for IT security and a senior agency information security official.


Steve Isakowitz was named president and CEO of Aerospace Corporation.


Stephen Iwicki was selected as vice president of SOSi’s Intelligence Solutions Group.

Matthew Jankowski was appointed to senior vice president of business development for IOMAXIS.


Richard M. Jeanneret was selected to serve as vice chair, Northeast Region managing partner at Ernst & Young LLP.