FedBizBeat is our B2G blog, dedicated to providing government contractors with the latest news and information in government and industry. It is also the source for updates regarding executive leadership, content marketing, contract wins and more.
Exclusive! Q&A with Market Research Leader Lisa Dezzutti
Following up on the 2017 Federal Media and Marketing Study presentation from Market Connections, I decided to reach out to CEO, Lisa Dezzutti, to dig a little deeper into this year's research results. Having seen her lead the wonderful organization for so many years,...
Executive Q&A with Tonya M. Saunders of Mid-Tier Advocacy
Mid-Tier Advocacy’s (MTA) annual briefing on Capitol Hill is just around the corner on March 23, with a focus on “Determining the Size of Business Within the Federal Industrial Base.” Our Executive Q&A is with the founder and director of MTA, Tonya M. Saunders – a...
Q&A with David Powell of the Federal Business Council, Co-Chair of the CyberMaryland Conference
Today is the last day of CyberMaryland 2015. And, it looks like it’s going to end in great style. We interviewed David Powell of the Federal Business Council. He’s the co-chair of the conference, and he gives us his thoughts on what people can expect when attending....
Ensuring the New CTIIC is a Success [Interview with Keith Rhodes]
The recent news about formation of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC), which, according to a DoD News report, will analyze and integrate information already collected under existing authorities, piqued our interest. So much so, we wanted to speak...