It’s an annual event that the entire GovCon community looks forward to. Market Connections’ Federal Media & Marketing Study is the research to use when trying to determine how to connect with government. Contractors I know have this laying on their desk, with pages marked by sticky notes and data memorized so they are on top of the best ways to disseminate messages to potential customers.
Just in case you don’t have a copy, you can download an executive summary here. However, I wanted to share with you some of the data that caught my eye this year:
- Government attendance ofevents rose in 2015. 55 percent of government said they attended at least one to three events. This number is up from 42 percent the prior year. And, it’s up from 41 percent in 2013.
- 90 percent of government uses smartphones and tablets to get information.This continues at least a four-year trend of rising use of these devices.
- Content. Content. It’s the soul of PR and marketing, and research shows that 41 percent of government and federal executives turn to white papers and case studies as the most “trusted” forms of content.
What does this mean for you?
- As GovCon event participation continues to rise, contractors may want to (re)evaluate their exhibit materials and schedules.
- White papers and case studies should be your primary investments.
- With those handouts available on the Internet, you can almost bet government will most likely review and download these resources via their smartphone or tablet. View your materials on various mobile devices. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly.
How are you addressing your content strategy, knowing smartphone and tablets are a popular delivery method? What are your lessons learned?